Friday, June 6, 2014


You are probably as sick of my apologies for abandoning my blog as I am of making them. So, with that in mind, we'll just skip straight into the good stuff.

Trying to get into swimsuit mode over here, I made these Greek Turkey burgers earlier this week and, overall, they were a big hit with us. We ate them with pita instead of hamburger buns and will definitely be making this recipe again.

I also made this curry recipe... eh. Not so much. I was in the mood after making this really successful chicken tikka masala recipe a few weeks ago, but while the first recipe was so flavorful, the curry recipe this week fell flat.

Source (found on Pinterest)

I tried this absolutely insane Drop 10 Workout. You're supposed to do it daily for two weeks and lose 10 lbs... I did it once and lost all desire to lose 10 lbs.

TORTURE! But, probably really effective. Not necessarily for losing weight, but you could definitely tone yourself up. If you give it a try, let me know how it goes!

Lastly, here is my "Room of the Week." Not really a room, but I love the white with the black window casing and black roof and have officially decided that if I ever build a home this is the combo that I want. It's classic, and I love the contrast.

Bonus this week is that this cute little row house is somewhere in Georgetown! Maybe I'll spy it next time I'm in the neighborhood.


  1. That house is beautiful and so elegant! I'll be in Georgetown on Monday, maybe I'll have to go hunt/stalk it!

    1. You'll have to let me know if you see it!


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