Thursday, July 5, 2012

Midyear Resolutions

With all the fireworks last night, I feel like now is the perfect time to share my midyear resolutions! It's taken me a while to get back on the blogging bandwagon after my quick trip to Europe and last weekend's blackout, but I wanted to share my midyear goals! I know I still owe my final Paris post on "what we ate," but I promise it is coming because I enjoy writing it far more than you probably enjoy reading it!

I've been thinking about life in the grander scheme lately and decided I needed to set a few goals to keep them a priority. So - here we go!

1. Exercise every day from July 1-September 1.
I am already not ringing in a perfect score for this goal but I am not giving up! Mister Fletcher and I have been talking about the importance of a healthy lifestyle lately, and I've realized that my dormant and indulgent tendencies are not really in keeping with that. To enjoy our lives through our entire lives, we're working on making healthier choices every day. My hope is that by setting this goal for every day through two months, it can become a habit and will no longer have to be a goal.

2. Stick to our budget.
This is a little sticky... Since we've both been working 9-5 salaried positions, we're making more money than either of us have ever had in our lives. It feels nice to not have to worry about money or paying our bills, but we had hoped to be saving a bit more than we are right now. We drew up a budget in January and we just need to enforce it a bit more strictly.

3. Live my life.
With everything that goes on in the day to day, it can become easy to forget to live life. Sometimes, the draw of just zoning out on the couch is far too powerful to resist. But wasting time when we all have so little will leave me looking back at my life in regret. I'm going to push myself to really get out and enjoy things, take advantage of the amazing world around me!

Do you have any resolutions you're still working on? What do you want to accomplish before 2013?

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