Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Want It Wednesday | Early Fall Clothing

Yesterday's post got me so inspired! I kept thinking about all those jewels tones while doing some online shopping for early fall, and I think it shows in my picks! I love when the seasons majorly change and I get to switch over into my winter or summer wardrobe. I have always forgotten about half of it, so it's nice to see it again and feel like I have fresh options.

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What do you have your eye on for early fall?


  1. Replies
    1. Right?! I am a Ted Baker fanatic, though my wallet is not. :)

  2. I want it all! I'm trying not to rush summer out... but I just can't wait for fall :) It's the best clothing time of the year!

    1. After a hot summer, I think we all just want to go back to our cooler wardrobe and wear layers. You just feel more stylish!


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