Friday, August 1, 2014

Twitter is kiiiiiinda Awesome

(Did you ever see that David Spade show "Rules of Engagement?" It is not very good, but it is available on Netflix, so I watched all 10 seasons because I'm awesome like that. In any case, the title is supposed to be read in David Spade's characters high-pitched, drawn out "kiiiiiinda.)"

But, alas, I digress...

Things are getting crazy busy at work this week, so we'll keep this week's Friday 5 pretty simple.

Top 5 Favorite Things on Twitter This Week
Guys, I may be addicted to Twitter. I recently started really getting into it thanks in large part to this article, and it has totally changed the way I use it. I already was of the opinion that it is borderline insane to not have a Twitter account in the modern world simply for news purposes, but WOW. So, without further ado, the 5 best things I saw on Twitter this week... 

 { Meghan + Twitter = True Love }

Princess Diana's 20 Best Style moments via @GoodHouseKeeping 

@aa_Stardust wrote a really nice blog about how to be better human. It's nice to be nice. 

@epicurious gave me 6 solid reasons to bust out my slow cooker this summer - yum.   

@Blogformatting is hosting a FREE workshop on 3 easy ways to get blog traffic from Facebook. Sign up and join us tomorrow!

@HouseBeautiful challenges you to tell the before from the after in this awesome quiz. I only missed one (which gave me unreasonable jubilation) - what can you get?

Follow me on Twitter for more goodies like this and I'll follow you back!

Linking up with September Farm today - holla at my farm girl!


  1. Sometimes I forget about Twitter...I'm definitely more attached to Instagram. Love everything you linked to though, so I'm gonna have to be more attentive to Twitter!

    1. Don't get me wrong - Instagram is awesome. But Twitter really can be fun, and you can follow link, after link, after link... Come to think of it, it's a bit of a rabbit hole! But a rabbit hole I love dearly. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I need to get better at Twitter. I usually just use it after I watch the bachelor/ette and see what random people are saying about it. Mostly sarcastic humor which is right up my alley. I usually get a good chuckle.
    Thanks for linking up with Karli and I today!! Have a great weekend!

  3. I just recently started using Twitter, and have quickly become addicted! looks like you live in DC which is awesome because my sister lives in DC and I live about 1 hour away (depending on traffic, of course)!! Her fiancé LOVES finding new places to eat in DC, so I'm going to show him your list :)


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