Thursday, February 20, 2014

One Date was all it Took

Layne called to ask me out on our first date. I think he said something like, "Hey, I'm sorry it took me so long to call. I know that you must have had you phone by your side day and night just waiting to hear from me." Unaccustomed as I was to humor at that point (thanks again to my ex who I think never once told a joke I found amusing), I responded with complete silence. Layne pressed on, and asked me if I would like to go out with him that weekend, and I agreed.

When our first date dawned, I wasn't particularly looking forward to it. I had gone to the temple earlier that day, and while that usually makes any day pretty great, that day I locked my keys in my car. I shivered in the dwindling light of a late February afternoon, waiting for my dad to drive down so I could use his AAA card, my wet hair trickling down my neck and making the day even colder. By the time he arrived and I was back in my car, all I could think about was getting warm. I rushed into my apartment and barely had time to slip into my warmest, and unfortuately for Layne, largest, and most unflattering sweater before there was a knock on my door.

Layne swaggered in with all the confidence he had displayed the first time we met. Upon spying my roommate free for the night, he invited her along for a friend of his and our double date became a triple. We all piled into the car, and almost instantly Layne and I were in our own world. I remember that The Postal Service was playing, and we both talked about how "This Place is a Prison" reminds us of the sound of crumpling snow. His stock was slowing rising in my book...

We went to a Thai restaurant called Bangkok Grill, and after a year with a guy who was a routine patron of Applebee's, I was excited for something new. I ordered Pad Thai, while Layne got curry. I have no idea what anyone else got, because I was entirely wrapped up in our conversation, despite the fact that my roommate was right there and her date was not going so swell, and I was also friends with the other couple on the date. Because I know Layne so well now, I guarantee he asked the table their Top 5 Favorite Movies/Books/Bands, etc., his go to questions when he first meets someone. I think we did bands and movies that night, and I must have passed the test.

After dinner, we went to a comedy club where they did improv. I remember laughing just as much at the performers as I did at Layne's little asides to me, and that for some reason they had oversold and we were one chair short, so we kind of squished on to one together and I didn't totally hate having to be so close. At one point my roommate and I were in the bathroom together, and she said to me "You seem to be having a really good time!" I was startled for a second, trying to remember the last time I had had such a good time and been so happy, and then gushed back "I know!"

Later, as Layne was walking me to the door, he casually grabbed my hand and I gently pulled it away. Completely unfazed and undeterred, he simply swung his arm up across my shoulder. Who was this guy?! I didn't know yet, but I was certainly looking forward to figuring it out.


  1. So sweet! My husband and I knew were in it for the long haul on our first date as well. We went out to dinner and ended up sitting there for five hours, just talking!

    1. Isn't it crazy how you can go from literally being strangers to saying "Where have you been all my life?" after a single night?

  2. You guys are the cutest. Keep the stories coming!

    PS I'm LOVING your blog's new look! You did an awesome job!

    1. Thanks, Kaylie! Did you see a spike in your site traffic last weekend? That was me, following all of your tutorials. When are you going to post a new one?!

  3. Hi Meagan, you asked about where to get the monogram from my post today, but your email address is a no reply blogger address, so I am answering you here. This is where to get them:



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