Thursday, August 29, 2013

I Didn't Forget...

I didn't forget that I'm supposed to be back to blogging. I've just been INSANELY busy and INSANELY tired. We flew out to Utah for Jen's wedding (yay for the Free's!) and while there I got a cold. And I, for one, am completely sold on the theory of this Wall Street Journal article. I felt like death. It's been almost two weeks and I'd say I'm at maybe 80% now, but still super sleepy.

I'll leave you with this picture series of the beautiful bride and her handsome groom, and note that I'll be back much sooner next time! Exciting things are afoot for the Fletcher's.


  1. I hope this "sick" you are talking about is actually morning sickness and this "exciting things afoot" is pregnancy. Thanks. I'll be waiting. :)

    1. Ha ha. You're going to be waiting a few more years for that news, JaNae. :)


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