Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I spend money when my husband leaves town

With Layne out of town half the week, every week (!), I find I have a lot of time on my hands... I took to online shopping like a fish to water and realized that my wallet could not uphold the addiction. So sad. But I thought I'd take a few pictures of my recent purchases so we can all revel in my splendors.

I finally got pillows for my new couch - yeah! My first ever Etsy purchase - I've no idea why I resisted for so long.


I also got a gorgeous new rug,

 a cute vintage tray - another Etsy steal - and  a couple of accessories for my bookcase like...

 this little bird and

these three deer.

 I finally replaced the fruit bowl I broke in the move.

I also made this little arrangement for the TV stand and FINALLY bought a table for in between the couches.

And here's my new kitchen table and chairs as well!

Wow - stacking it all up like that, I can see why my clothing budget is suddenly depleted! But it's all worth it for my house to finally be coming along and for it to be as beautiful as I've hoped and waited for! It's so nice to have a place that truly feels like a home. I think I'll let it sink in for a few months before my next big project. That is, unless I find the perfect new duvet for the bedroom...


  1. Totally cute Meghan! Much more put together than my house :) I love your couches, where did you get them?

    1. This chain store out here called Marlo Furniture- they're not necessarily the highest quality but they're adorable and I got them over President's Day so it was a FANTASTIC deal! Glad you like them. :)

  2. Your place looks great Meghan...I like your style!!


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