From there, we headed down Fifth Avenue. What do the Fletchers do on vacation? We shop. All day. But NY makes it worth it, with it's 10 story flagship Saks, avenues of quality shops, and the countless Memorial Day sales we were fortunate enough to find.

We walked the whole length from Times Square to Central Park and I was incredibly worn out by the end, so we took a pedicab back to Times Square. We grabbed a cheesecake from Junior's Bakery and then went back to the hotel and got ready for our big night.
After pounding some advil and Dr. Pepper (don't judge - it had been a long day!), we were ready for the night. We grabbed dinner at this absolutely amazing Italian place (more on this later) and walked over to the August Wilson theatre for my first ever Broadway show, Jersey Boys.
I LOVED it. Far, far, FAR more than I thought I would, and I had thought I would like it quite a bit. Mister Fletcher and I went around the rest of the weekend singing different Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons songs and they're still stuck in my head. Even just writing about it, I had to turn off Regina Spektor and switch to my freshly minted Four Seasons Pandora station!
We ended up strolling through Times Square at night since we were right there, then headed over to the Empire State Building. Yeah, the line was like two hours long, but it was worth it! Really cool to see NY like that.
Sunday morning we were exhausted, so we had a nice lie in and went straight to lunch at Carnegie Deli. We lazed around in Central Park for a bit, watching a highly competitive softball game and finding ourselves entertained by the children playing nearby.
We walked up through the park and hit up the Met and - wow. We were not prepared for that much Seurat, Degas, Matisse, Rodin, Pissaro, Rousseau, van Gogh, Monet and Manet, - I mean, just about everyone was there in spades! We didn't have a ton of time, but we saw so many incredible works that it was easily worth running through as many galleries as possible. Next time, I would make a day of it so I could really sit and stare. For that matter, a day of Central Park as well. Sunday was - overall - fantastic! We hit up the Nike Town store on the way home and called it an early night as we are usually old and boring and all that activity was killing us!
Collage of van Gogh - Layne's favorite.
Monday was our last day. We woke up and did a little more shopping down in SoHo, and I'm so glad we did because it was my favorite neighborhood. And I got some really cute things. And Layne did, too. SoHo was so good to us.
Super cool - RBI storefront in SoHo!
We hit up Mesa Grill for lunch because we simply owed it to Bobby Flay as diehard fans of basically everything he has ever participated in. Our last stop on our way out was the MoMA where we were once again flabbergasted at everything they had to offer - a huge sampling of Picasso, a Pollock, some Dalis that Layne was particularly taken with, more Monet, Manet, and Seurat - but most importantly, Starry Starry Night. If you are not an appreciator of art, there's no sense trying to explain the difference between a print and the real thing, and if you are an appreciator then you know there are no words. It was phenomenal.
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