New York was incredible! Mister Fletcher and I went up for Memorial Day weekend and it was my first time. We had so much fun but I don't want to overwhelm you so I'm going to try to break it up into a couple quick posts.
Layne planned the whole thing and I just went along for the ride! We got there on Friday and this was the absolutely fantastic view from our room.
Am I a lucky girl or what? I loved being able to look out at this landmark while cozying up to Layne in bed.
Our hotel was in Battery Park, or the financial district. So the first thing we did after settling in was take a stroll through Wall Street. This was where I learned the first thing nobody had ever told me about NY: Wall Street is extremely gated - not only are there barriers so cars can't drive down the streets, but the buildings are in lock down, too.

By then, we were STARVING. So we flagged down a cab, popped across the Brooklyn Bridge, and waited in line about an hour for the most amazing pizza I've ever had (but my love affair with food is for another blog)! Grimaldi's was literally right under the bridge, so after we walked down to the water. There was this beautiful little garden area with these tall trees right by the pier, and across the water was Manhattan reaching up to the skies. That moment was definitely a highlight of my trip. One thing I realized about myself while in New York: I could never live in New York. I need grass and trees and greenery far, far too much!

After that, we drove back across the bridge (no time to walk it - next time!). Our friend Cori had recommended taking the Staten Island ferry if we didn't want to do the full Lady Liberty experience and it was great! Half an hour and the ferry goes right by the island means it gets an A+ from me.
That night we did dinner at a steakhouse and wandered down the streets of New York, somehow winding our way over to Grand Central. It was too dark for any of those pictures to turn out, but it was an incredibly gorgeous building.
We'll do a post a day for this trip - Mister Fletcher assured that it was jam packed with fun and I want to share it all with you!
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