For now, let's start off nice and easy. I wanted to share this recipe I made a few weeks ago - lamb meatballs in a spicy tomato sauce. We give it a full 5 Stars.
picture *borrowed* from NYTimes site (give me a break - I hadn't recommitted yet!)
Layne is the one with the real knack for picking out recipes between the two of us, and when I selected this one it received a raised eyebrow and a tight lipped shrug (Layne-speak for no good). But then he tasted it and took it all back. Score one for Meg!
My main recommendation is to make twice the amount of sauce it recommends - with all the reducing it has to go through, you'll want more of that delicious pasta sauce in the end! We also added some garlic to the sauce, because what's a tomato sauce without garlic?
This is definitely making it into the Fletcher Family Cookbook. Especially because our other standby meatball is Geoffrey Zakarain's recipe, and ooohhhh myyyyyy gooooosh. They're delicious - don't get me wrong - but SO labor intensive and time consuming. Plus, these lamb meatballs are baked instead of fried.
Win. Win. Win!